This Timeline has been prepared to assist in answering questions about the privateer’s activities in a succinct, consistent manner. The material offered here represents prominent thinking of some members of the Laffite Society. Not all members agree on certain items offered here and no item should be considered the final word–just the state of our knowledge at this time. As data are gathered, changes and additions will be made–so check back occasionally. We have provided few references documenting our statements as the “Timeline” is intended as a quick-easy reference. A bibliography on Laffite related materials is provided elsewhere on this website for those who want to verify and gain a deeper knowledge of the Laffite brothers. A Question and Answer document is also available on this website for those who wish more detail on some of the items covered here.
This Timeline has been drawn from the contributions of many members of the Laffite Society, but primarily from material submitted by Pam Keyes, Robert Vogel and Dale Olson. It has been reviewed also by Jean L. Epperson, Jeff Modzelewski and Don C. Marler. Not every member agrees with all that is presented here and the absolute accuracy of none of the material is guaranteed.
Please contact us for suggested changes or corrections.
This Timeline has been prepared to assist in answering questions about the privateer’s activities in a succinct, consistent manner. The material offered here represents prominent thinking of some members of the Laffite Society. Not all members agree on certain items offered here and no item should be considered the final word–just the state of our knowledge at this time. As data are gathered, changes and additions will be made–so check back occasionally. We have provided few references documenting our statements as the “Timeline” is intended as a quick-easy reference. A bibliography on Laffite related materials is provided elsewhere on this website for those who want to verify and gain a deeper knowledge of the Laffite brothers. A Question and Answer document is also available on this website for those who wish more detail on some of the items covered here.
This Timeline has been drawn from the contributions of many members of the Laffite Society, but primarily from material submitted by Pam Keyes, Robert Vogel and Dale Olson. It has been reviewed also by Jean L. Epperson, Jeff Modzelewski and Don C. Marler. Not every member agrees with all that is presented here and the absolute accuracy of none of the material is guaranteed.
Please contact us for suggested changes or corrections.